The busy, bustling city of Kathmandu. The houses, all of them lived in, all of them teeming with life and activity. I must say that I’ve grown to love the houses of Kathmandu and its people. I must say that Kathmandu has a certain charm to it and no, it has nothing to do with the nightlife. Being a teenager, people tend to jump into conclusions and I’m just trying to say that I love Kathmandu for everything it is except a few things, like pollution.
Imagine a developed Nepal, from Mechi to Mahakali, every nook and cranny developed with load shedding and water scarcity taking the back seat. No more people dying of diarrhea, no more discrimination and no more crises of daily necessities. Such a wonderful thought! Imagine eco friendly cities all over Nepal. Imagine Nepal selling electricity to countries and imagine our country not suffering from financial crunches and an unstable political scenario.
The developed Nepal will see decentralization and people will opt to go back home and not live in small cramped spaces in the capital. Kathmandu’s going to be empty which means not having to wait in a long line at the grocery store or at the bank. But imagine your neighbors’ house empty except one or two people living there who’re rarely home and are mostly travelling. How would it affect you?
Kathmandu city is home, this is where I was born and where I grew up. This damned city made me, well, me. With its political instability, strikes, garbage on the road, street children sniffing glue, struggle for supremacy, aggressiveness of people, the long waits to have any work done, has all seeped into my daily life and I can’t imagine living in a different place where nothing is familiar.
I do realize that it doesn’t really make sense for me to worry about this because it’s not like I’m going to run away at every chance from this city. I like it here. The heavy smoke clogged air, the huge piles of garbage, the ever-moving crowd at Ason, have all become a part of life and these things have deeply embedded themselves into my life and many others too.
The writer has published a novel ‘untitled life’ in 2011.
The writer has published a novel ‘untitled life’ in 2011.
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